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Morrissey loodab saada loa Iraanis esinemiseks
Briti muusik Morrissey plaanib minna esinema Iraani ning kui läbirääkimised on edukad, saab ta olema üks esimesi artiste, kes seal kohalike staaride kõrval üles on astunud.
Endine Smithsi laulja loodab esineda koos ühe enda kangelasega – Araabia popmuusiku Kazem Al Sahiriga, ning hetkel peab muusik läbirääkimisi Iraani valitsusega, et saada luba kontserdiks selle aasta lõpu poole, vahendab Wenn.
Morrissey kavatseb Lähis-Ida kontserdid ette võtta hoolimata sellest, kas al-Sahir astub koos temaga üles või mitte.
«Ühel või teisel viisil plaanime me Lähis-Ida tuuri teha, kohtades nagu Jeruusalemm ja Beirut. Ja me loodame ka Iraanis mängida,» seletas Morrissey mänedžer Merck Mercuriadis.
Hetkel oodatakse Iraani kultuuriministeeriumi vastust.
Originaalis sellisest väljaandest nagu The Independent:
Heaven knows I'm Middle Eastern now
By Oliver Duff
Shake your robes! Three weeks ago, there came news that the heavy-eyebrowed balladeer Chris de Burgh will perform in Iran this summer with local pop group Arian – making him the first Western artist to take to a stage in the country since the 1979 revolution.
The musician Morrissey is also in negotiations with the Iranian government to play a concert in the republic later this year. His camp would like their man to agree a date in Tehran this June, ideally with the internationally-acclaimed Arab pop singer Kazem al-Sahir, were he amenable.
Morrissey has called George Bush and Tony Blair "terrorists", and is less bland than the inoffensive de Burgh. The Mancunian's management awaits a formal response from Iran's Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, which is charged with suppressing "decadent" influences from the West. Western pop lyrics are banned.
Plans are, apparently, being drawn up for Morrissey, 48, to tour the Middle East this summer. "It's a major priority for us," said manager Merck Mercuriadis, when Pandora called his mobile and found him reclined in a dentist's chair, undergoing root canal work.
"One way or another we will tour the Middle East – in terms of places like Jerusalem and Beirut. And we hope to play Iran."
Of al-Sahir, Mercuriadis added: "He's a hero for Morrissey and Morrissey admires his work."
Kazem al-Sahir
07 jaanuar 2008
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